Make this beautiful red haired Seoana doll.
Make a seoana doll
Cut 12cm x 24cm from pale pink fabric and 15cm x 24cm from your Flora fat quarter. Sew the two together with right sides facing and press a 6mm seam allowance over the floral fabric. Download the templates, print and cut out. Note that these include a 6mm seam allowance. Cut out two bodies from the attached fabrics, positioning the template so the dotted line lies across the seam.
Pin the bodies together, carefully matching the neck seam, and stitch around the side and top edges. Trim the seam allowance back to 3mm and press back a 1cm turning around the bottom opening. Turn out and stuff firmly.
Cut four 6cm x 22cm rectangles from green fabric and pin together in pairs with right sides facing. Attach the leg template and draw around. Machine stitch a