Upcycling is more than just a trend, it’s a way to make the most of your garments and do your bit for the environment, too. Making use of the larger sections of jeans, such as the waistband, legs and back piece, will give you enough material to make this accessory with ease.
1 Cut the waistband from the jeans as neatly as possible. Lay the jeans flat and trim a rectangle, 29cm x 33cm, around one back pocket, avoiding any thick seams. Remove the reinforced inner leg seams, leaving a 1.5cm excess on either side and save them to use as binding. From the remaining leg, cut another rectangle, 29cm x 33cm, and two pieces, 11cm x 29cm.
2 Sew the two larger rectangles, right sides together, along the bottom edge, leaving a 1cm seam allowance. Open out and reinforce with topstitching, 5mm from the seam. Lay the joined fabric flat, face up. Take one smaller piece of denim and pin the centre of one short edge at a right angle to the seam, right sides together and matching up the raw edges. Stitch and fold to make a ‘T’ shape. Repeat for the other end of the seam to creat