Set yourself a challenge with this beautifully-tailored jacket by Posner and Posner! The project requires you to insert a lining, create pockets and attach piping, too.
1 Download and cut out the pattern, following the cutting guide. Place piping on the right side seam edge of the lower back, and sew. Place the upper back piece over the piping, right sides together, matching the centre notch and side edges, then stitch.
2 Attach piping to the edge of the lower front pieces, and place a pocket over the piping, matching the centre notch and circles. Pin vertically at each circle and stitch in between the pins, then press the pocket seam away from the lower front. Pin the pocket on the upper front and stitch as before, then press the pocket away from it.
3 Place the upper front over the lower front, and stitch from the side edge to the pin marker and from the front edge to the marker. Press the seams open. Push in the pocket pieces on the wrong side of the jacket, then stitch. Press open the seam between the lower and uppe