This unusual make would bring an air of enchantment to any bedroom. Made from pretty cotton fabrics in shades of pink, red and purple, this adorable case is based on the classic Matryoshka doll – meaning ‘nested’ in Russian – and is perfect for keeping pyjamas tucked away.
Stitch a pyjama case
Locate, download and cut out the pattern. Pin the body fronts to the red floral scraps, cut one of each. Repeat, with the same fabric by pinning the templates for the main head and body front base. Pin the side body piece to purple floral fabric and cut this shape twice, remembering to reverse the template for the opposite side.
Pin together front pieces marked ‘A’ and ‘B’ then machine stitch. Pin and sew ‘C’ onto ‘B’, then attach the front base to ‘C’ and machine stitch into place. Press open all seams. Pin the sides of the body to either part of the front section and machine stitch into place. Where the fabric changes, hand stitch a length of green ric rac across the body. Pin the main head section to the body and machine stitch. Press the seams open.
Iron a square of fusible webbing onto white felt, pin to the face template and cut out. Attach more fusible webbin