Do you ever look around at accessories and other items, and see potential in them as a garment? Here at Sew HQ, we picked up this blanket scarf at a supermarket and thought it was pretty (and big enough!) to be worn as a throw. Upcycled by Chris Lawton, the project gives you the chance to fringe raw edges for the folded top… you can fray it to match the other naturally fringed edges or take it further to create a bigger section.
1 Seek out a blanket scarf that you feel is big enough to cover you when folded in half (ours measured 1.18m x 2.12m). Fold the scarf in half widthways, then cut it in half. The cut edge of each piece won’t be fringed so to do this, start by drawing the length of the fringe you want with tailor’s chalk or a marker, then sew along