Renowned illustrator, Monika Forsberg has transformed her magical designs into dressmaking material, and our designer Amanda Walker has made it into this wonderful cami! This make is the perfect way to test your stitchy skillset as you can practise adding darts, clipping curves and sewing buttonholes, plus with Amanda’s easy step-by-step instructions you’ll be sporting this spring tee in no time!
Download the template, print and follow the cutting guide. Stitch the darts into the front top pieces from the edge to the points. Press the darts towards the armholes, then neaten the side seam edges and the curved edge of both front and back pieces.
Position the shoulders of the front and back pieces, right sides facing, then pin and stitch the shoulder seams together. Press the seam allowances open. Fuse the interfacing onto the front facings and neaten the curved edges across the base of the back facing.
Match, pin and stitch the shoulder seams, right sides together, then press the seams open. Flatten the top piec