Every little girl has pretty trinkets that are too precious to chuck in a box with everything else. Creating a beautiful picture that also doubles as a mini storage area will help keep these things safe as well as teaching her to tidy up a little! The simple cupcake design is embellished with pretty sequins and neat stitching and each cake can be made to look different if she desires.
A little adult help may be needed with the making up of the project to ensure that all hems are straight but the majority of sewing can be done unassisted or with the minimum of aid.
The pockets are big enough to hold small items of jewellery or all those tiny plastic toys that invariably have to be fished out of the hoover. The dowel at the top and bottom is also ideal to hook necklaces over. Pretty yet practical!
Happy Stitching!
Corinne Bradd
Quick-Stitch Wall-Hanging
Create the background. Press one piece of patterned polycotton and fuse hemming tape around all four wrong sides. Lay the square of felt in the centre and fold the edges of the material over. Iron in place onto the felt, mitring the corners.
Locate the template in the Sew-Pull Out Workbook. Cut four large cupcake shapes from different colours of felt scraps and four small cake case shapes from pale pink felt. Trim the tops of the cake cases with pinking shears and sew a short length of yellow picot edged ribbon 5mm down from the top edge using running stitch and folding the raw ends und