Adorn your wedding tables in style with these vintage-inspired favour bags which have been given a contemporary twist in red and navy, and personalised with acrylic stamps. Whatever you fill them with, on this occasion it’s what is on the
Stitch a tall favour bag
Cut a strip measuring 11.5cm x 29cm from cross stitch print fabric, and a 10.5cm x 29cm piece from plain linen material. Sew together down one long side, right side facing. Iron on the reverse and lay flat.
Allowing for a 3cm turnover hem across the top, stamp ‘Mr & Mrs’ followed by the couple’s surname to the right-hand side in the middle of the fabric, iron dry on the reverse.
Fold in half, right sides facing, and stitch together with a 5mm seam. Lay flat with the seam to the right and cut out two 2.5cm squares in both bottom corners, through all layers.
Stitch across the remaining bottom and fold the corner openings the opposite way so that the seams align. Sew togeth