13 Mar
The Great Sewing Bee Review: Dressmaking from another planet!

A Japanese asymmetric top with minimal instructions and only grain line and notches to go on! I was on the edge of my seat from the very first challenge. I love getting hold of old vintage patterns that don’t have any instructions and trying to piece them together like a jigsaw, so I would like to give this a go! That being said, this task seemed more like a Rubik’s cube which needed complex algorithms to solve it. The skill of draping and practising some major guess work appeared to be required for this 90 minute project.
Neil confessed that he had received operation orders less complex than this challenge but with his ability to function under fire and a great fabric choice, he bagged first place. Underdog Matt chose a beautiful, but sheer rotter of a fabric. You could tell that Matt was seriously pushing himself in the competition and aiming for the win. Unfortunately his effort didn’t pay off and he came third place, however Lorna rightly said that she wouldn’t have achieved second place without Matt or Neil’s help. This is what I love about being part of The Great British Sewing Bee. Yes, it is a competition, yes we all want to win, but the competitiveness is an internal struggle. All the Bees have a great sense of camaraderie. There is no back stabbing or ill thought. We are in it together, solidarity sewing! Which is why it is so hard to see anyone leave, but that’s what makes cracking telly!
The next challenge is where we really start getting futuristic! The one garment that didn’t get first place but dominated Twitter feeds was Neil’s #skanklet! I particularly loved @thriftystitcher’s picture of her adorning this masterpiece, although Patrick was ‘appalled!’ Well, we loved it Neil, to us the risk was worth it!

It was a really close call for Lorna and Matt on this challenge but Lorna stole it. Both garments were elegantly beautiful and inspirational. I’d love to wear them on stage (send them to me guys!) They would be perfect for my Snootybobs gig on the 27th March! Costume change and everything.

Neil drew inspiration from his time on tour. Desert scenes and crystal blue skies dictated the fabric choices, which may not have helped ‘operation asymmetric’. His wife did tell him to ‘man up’ and he produced a finished garment which appeared to pay off, until further inspection. Unfortunately Neil’s military training didn’t kick in for this challenge, leaving his flank at threat resulting in an exposed lining. Lorna entered the final task with over confidence after winning the alteration challenge, sewing fabric on the wrong sides and wanting to add fairly lights. I’m so glad the boys managed to talk her out of that one. The colour choice was stunning and really suited her model’s skin tone, but it wasn’t modern enough for the judges’ palate.

Victory came to our diamond in the rough, Matt! Creating a stunning, almost perfume bottle like dress that just blew the judges minds! Matt really did prove that it is always worth pushing yourself, as you can only get better with each stitch. From start to finish Matt has strived to enhance his skills. Coming close to eviction a few times, yet striving on to become The Great British Sewing Bee Winner 2015! If that’s not a #sewingrevolution, I don’t know what is! Well done to all the contestants this year, it’s been fantastic to watch…

… I told you there would be a twist! Boom!

Follow Jenniffer on Twitter @Jennibobtaylor

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The Great Sewing Bee Review: Dressmaking from another planet!

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A Japanese asymmetric top with minimal instructions and only grain line and notches to go on! I was on the…

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