Note: start by taking your waist and hip measurements
Pants (for front/back): cut one pair* on the fold (hip measurement + 30cm, divided by 4) x 95cm
Waistband: cut one strip 24cm x (waist measurement + 9cm)
Leg cuff: cut two 12cm x 26cm strips
*The pants front piece is cut 2cm lower at the top than the back
The following is based on a size 10-12 (92cm hip, 68cm waist).
Pants: (92 [hip] + 30cm, ÷ 4 = 30.5*) 30.5cm x 95cm (95cm is length, adjust if needed)
Waistband: 24 x (68 [waist] + 9** = 77) 24cm x 77cm * Extra 7.5cm (the +30cm ÷ 4) width on the hip is for ease (6cm), plus seam allowance (1.5cm)
** Extra 9cm width on the waistband is for ease (6cm) plus seam allowance (3cm)
1.5cm seam allowance used.